A month behind, but time is like the Eclipse. Seems like you have forever, and then it goes by in moments.

I have lived in the Greater Rochester area my entire life and am proud to be a local and to raise my family in the area. I have always pushed back on the haters- you all know who you are!- and the weather complaints- we live near a lake!-because Rochester has SO.MUCH.TO.OFFER.
Rochester proved itself last month for the 3rd cloudy eclipse in a row that we have on record. Yes, the weather haters prevailed, but the area still hosted an amazing weekend. Our area may have been the most prepared total eclipse site to ever exist, thanks to a small group of individuals that spent the last 3 to 5 years talking to everyone that would listen about making this event a success. We learned from other cities on how to avoid traffic jams and school delays, how to prepare hotels and restaurants, and how to host a half million people in the matter of a few days.
But Rochester has got that down. From the Lilac Festival to the Jazz Festival, and everything in between, our area hosts hundreds of thousands of people regularly. Just not on the road at the same time!
Thank you to the Rochester Eclipse Task Force for the dedication to our area and it’s financial success last month. Thank you to Rochester for maintaining status as my favorite city to be in. And thank you to everyone that came and experienced the almost blackout with us!
One of my favorite parts of living in the area is the local support. Rochester lovers have the strongest backbones and biggest hearts of people anywhere. And you all showed up! Thank you!
Cheers to the next eclipse, clouds and all!
Kelly M